A collection of 18 posts

December 2020 Webinar
Antidoc – The Solution to Documentation
December 15th, 11:00am MT
We believe in finding better ways to write software. You can be productive and still have fun. We help developers be more productive and have more fun by taking complex software engineering topics and breaking them down into small pieces

August 2020 Webinar
Be A Craftsperson
August 26, 11:00am MT
The way we think about coding and the way we approach it has a huge impact on our results. Approaching software from a craftperson perspective helps us to produce high quality valuable software.
Sometimes we feel like firefighters running around putting out

June 2020 Webinar
Technical Skills For Agile Development
June 24, 11:00am MT
Agile has a lot to say about how we manage the software development lifecycle, but it requires good technical skills to be successful.
Often we get caught up in the software development lifecycle side of agile software development. It is

Workshops update
These are interesting times. Many of us are under mandatory shelter in place orders and the rest of us are practicing social distancing. Those of us who are fortunate enough not to have been directly impacted by the virus are nonetheless impacted by society’s attempts to stop its spread.

December 2019 Webinar
December 11 11:00am MT
I need to add a feature but it is too hard.
Refactoring can help! Refactoring is the art of taking existing code and waking it easier to understand and modify without actually changing it’s behavior. Why? Friction. Code is read more often than

April 2019 Webinar
Choosing a Framework – April 24th 11am-12pm MST
So many choices
DQMH, AF, DCAF, SMO, ALOHA, TLB, and I’m probably still missing some. There are lots of LabVIEW Frameworks out there (and they all have cryptic acronymns). If you are confused by this alphabet soup of frameworks, then this presentation
Developer Series Presentation
Recently I was very lucky, in that National Instruments decided to use a presentation I put together for one of their Developer Series presentations. It’s a series of presentations on best practices for developing code in LabVIEW.
Here is the video and below is the chat log. This is