Software tools
A collection of 53 posts

Publishing AntiDoc Documentation using GitLab Pages
I just discovered GitLab Pages recently. It has been around for a while, so this may not be news to anyone, but I'm sure it's news to at least one of my readers and I've found a somewhat novel use case for it, so I decided to do a blog post about it.

Character Sets
So here is another article inspired by Joel on Software. In this article, titled The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!), Joel talks about the importance of understanding Unicode and character sets. It is a bit of a rant (Joel

A Better Way To Set Up LVCompare and LVMerge
EDIT: Since I originally wrote this post, I have come up with a much easier way. I am leaving this post up for historcial reasons, but do yourself a favor and just go here
I have previously written about setting up LVCompare and LVMerge. I ran into a situation where