
A collection of 13 posts
Simplicity of Design

Simplicity of Design

I recently read XP Explained. It had a section on page 109 where it talked about simplicity. I often talk about the importance of simplicity. In fact, it’s on my list of fundamental assumptions about coding. In XP Explained, Kent Beck lists 4 criteria to evaluate how simple a
6 min read
Rename AF Message

Rename AF Message

I inherited a project written using Actor Framework recently. I started to do a little refactoring to make it easier to add some of the changes I needed to make, following Kent Beck’s idea of “First make the change easy, then make the easy change.” What is in a
4 min read
DQMH Podcast

DQMH Podcast

It’s offical! The DQMH podcast form Chris Farmer at Wired-in Software has been officially released! It’s exciting to have some new listening material about LabVIEW! It’s been a while since we have had a good LabVIEW Podcast. We used to have VIshots which hasn’t produced anything
1 min read
Managing Dependencies with DQMH Messages

Managing Dependencies with DQMH Messages

In one of his talks, Uncle Bob describes Software Engineering as the art of managing dependencies. This is something that a lot of new programmers have difficulty with. I often run into code written by beginners (and some not-so-beginnners) that has lots of circular dependencies. I also see a lot
1 min read

What are you designing for?

My upcoming webinar got me thinking about a recent conversation that I had with Fabiola about design decisions. It also reminded me of a few of Steve’s recent blogposts on Design Priorities and on Project versus API Design. My discussion with Fabiola revolved around the differences between the Actor
1 min read
April 2019 Webinar

April 2019 Webinar

Choosing a Framework – April 24th 11am-12pm MST So many choices DQMH, AF, DCAF, SMO, ALOHA, TLB, and I’m probably still missing some.  There are lots of LabVIEW Frameworks out there (and they all have cryptic acronymns).  If you are confused by this alphabet soup of frameworks, then this presentation
1 min read

Events for UI Actor Indicators

Allen Smith and I have been working on a side project we called Events for UI Actor Indicators for a couple months (we’ve both been busy lately).  It started with a discussion at a CLA summit in Austin.  That prompted Allen to come up with an idea and then
1 min read

The case for using a standard framework

Why should I use a standard framework instead of my homebrew QSM, producer-consumer, etc architecture? I spent May 21-24 in Austin for NI Week  (see my review here). If you have been following any of my recent posts and presentations, you will know that I have done a lot of
4 min read

Developer Series Presentation

Recently I was very lucky, in that National Instruments decided to use a presentation I put together for one of their Developer Series presentations.  It’s a series of presentations on best practices for developing code in LabVIEW. Here is the video and below is the chat log. This is
22 min read