Workshops update

These are interesting times. Many of us are under mandatory shelter in place orders and the rest of us are practicing social distancing. Those of us who are fortunate enough not to have been directly impacted by the virus are nonetheless impacted by society’s attempts to stop its spread. It is certainly causing plenty of disruptions. No one knows how much longer these extreme measures will be necessary, but I think it is safe to say they could easily last into April or even May.
We have 2 workshops planned for the week of April 19. I originally wanted the workshops to be in-person because I feel that is a better learning experience. However, when I held the last unit testing workshop, we relented. We had a few people in person and 5 Zoom attendees. The Zoom attendees said it went very well for them, so that is what we are going to do for these upcoming workshops. We are going to offer them over Zoom. Use the buttons below to check out the workshopkdetails. It will send you to a landing page with information for the class and a button to buy tickets. Just use that to sign up for the workshops and we will send you a Zoom link.