How to use VIPM effectively
My friend Matt Richardson recently suggested I write a post about how I use packages in my workflow, particularly how I use VIPM. This is my response. Matt, hopefully I answered all your questions.
What is VIPM?
VIPM stands for VI package manager. It is a free tool made by
GDevCon is almost here
In case you haven’t GDevCon is taking place September 4th and 5th in Cambridge. What is GDevCon? It is the 1st ever independent graphical developers conference. Check out the website. There is a list of speakers there. I think you will be quite impressed. They’ve gathered a lot
Videos from NIWeek 2018
As many of you may know I had the privilege of speaking at NI Week this past May. Nancy Henson helped to organize a Software Engineering, Processes, Architecture, and Design (SEPAD) track. She enlisted Mark Balla, Jon McBee, and a few others to help video the sessions.
There were a
Gitting Started With Git
What do you use for source code control?
While I was asking everyone I met at NI Week about what frameworks they were using, I also started asking about source code control as well. Almost everyone I talked to universally said they were using some kind of source code control.
The case for using a standard framework
Why should I use a standard framework instead of my homebrew QSM, producer-consumer, etc architecture?
I spent May 21-24 in Austin for NI Week (see my review here). If you have been following any of my recent posts and presentations, you will know that I have done a lot of
Good Introduction to UML
UML Distilled by Martin Fowler
Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a standard way of graphically describing and designing software. If you are like a lot of LabVIEW programmers (myself included) and are a physicist, scientist or engineer by training and not a computer scientist, you may not have been exposed
Build Your Framework On a Good Foundation
If you have been following any of my presentations at various NI events lately, you’ll know that one of my big focuses lately has been on the development process and frameworks. I just recently inherited a project from someone, let’s call him Developer Dan. Dan taught me a
Finding LabVIEW Version of a File
Since I do consulting, I often end up inheriting code. Often I get called in because someone had hired a LabVIEW developer to write some code for them and then the LabVIEW developer had disappeared, either retired or moved, or got another job or something similar. Luckily they usually leave
Developer Series Presentation
Recently I was very lucky, in that National Instruments decided to use a presentation I put together for one of their Developer Series presentations. It’s a series of presentations on best practices for developing code in LabVIEW.
Here is the video and below is the chat log. This is
3 Marketing Books Worth Reading
We are all in Marketing.
I know this blog is supposed to be about LabVIEW and automation, but if we’re honest, we are all in marketing. Whether you work for yourself as a consultant or if you work for an Alliance Partner or some large industrial company, you constantly