Samuel Taggart

Samuel Taggart

The official "Architect of Adventure". I help teams create healthy, human-centered software development processes.
Gitflow the easy way

Gitflow the easy way

You may have heard of Gitflow. It was first proposed here nearly 10 years ago. If you are like me, when I first saw it, I was a little overwhelmed. I certainly got the idea of making use of git’s powerful branching model, and not simply developing in master.
1 min read
Book Review Code Reviews 101

Book Review Code Reviews 101

I recently read this book on code reviews by Giuliana Carullo. I quite enjoyed it. I wrote a review on GoodReads and on the LabVIEW Champion’s book recommendations. I thought I would just post about it here to help get the word out some more about this great book.
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Managing Dependencies with DQMH Messages

Managing Dependencies with DQMH Messages

In one of his talks, Uncle Bob describes Software Engineering as the art of managing dependencies. This is something that a lot of new programmers have difficulty with. I often run into code written by beginners (and some not-so-beginnners) that has lots of circular dependencies. I also see a lot
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Data And Goliath

Data And Goliath

Nothing is private on the internet. Most of us understand this idea intellectually. We realize that we are being surveilled at some level, but most of us do not grasp the depth and breadth of that surveillance and what exactly it is used for and the implications. Bruce Schneier does
3 min read
Philosophy and Coding

Philosophy and Coding

“Is your value system producing the results you want?” My last post touched a little bit on philosophy. It talked about changing the way we think about unit testing. If you have watched my presentations on Refactoring or TDD, you’ll notice they also talk about changing the way we
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Age of Wonder

Age of Wonder

At GDevCon, Allen and I were talking about books we’d recently read and I was reminded about a book that I read last year called “Age of Wonder”. A friend had given it to me 5 years ago when I moved from Pittsburgh to Denver and it took a
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Caraya Review

Caraya Review

Caraya is a popular Unit Testing solution from JKI. Compared to JKI VI Tester, Caraya seems to be newer and better supported. In fact while conducting this review I found a small bug. I reported it and it was fixed within 24 hours. The Caraya paradigm is different from the
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December 2019 Webinar

December 2019 Webinar

Refactoring December 11 11:00am MT I need to add a feature but it is too hard. Refactoring can help! Refactoring is the art of taking existing code and waking it easier to understand and modify without actually changing it’s behavior. Why? Friction. Code is read more often than
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Insta Coverage

Insta Coverage

I first heard about InstaCoverage at NI Week 2018. I was part of a panel discussing Unit Testing. Peter Bokor gave a brief presentation right before the panel started on a new unit testing tool IncQuiry Labs had created called InstaCoverage. He really emphasized the code coverage calculation. This is
7 min read
GDevCon #2 Videos

GDevCon #2 Videos

The GDevCon #2 Videos are now available. You can access the entire playlist here. We are proud to have sponsored an event that produces such great content! All of the presentations were great and worth watching, but here are some of my favorites. * Rebar – Ben Leedom introduced a new programming
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Using JKI VI Tester

Using JKI VI Tester

If you have been following my posts, you will know that I am a big fan of JKI VITester. It is my goto Unit Tester. Why? Mostly because it is an implementation of xUnitStyle testing, which means that I can easily use all of the great patterns outlined in xUnit
5 min read
Guns Germs and Steel

Guns Germs and Steel

Guns Germs and Steel is a very interesting and entertaining book. Similar to the last book I reviewed, Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, Gun’s Germs and Steel challenges the reader’s view of the world. It starts with a very simple narrative that we are all familiar with and then
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Reusing Tests for Built Code

Reusing Tests for Built Code

As I have been doing more and more Unit Testing and Continuous Integration, I have often wondered about automating testing of built code. There are promising tools out there for testing built Win32 apps, such as WinAppDriver. There is also Selenium for testing webapps, so if you are into the
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I’ve had several very interesting conversations lately. I had a great conversation with Allen, Shane, Danielle, and Oli after GDevCon2. I had another fascinating conversation with Fab and few others after the CLA Summit. Most recently I had a conversation after Social Media Day Denver. All these conversations had
4 min read
Mock Objects Advanced Features

Mock Objects Advanced Features

In the last post, I talked about how to use Mock Objects in Unit Tests. In this post, I am going to talk about some advanced features of the Mock Objects. It is worth going back and reading my previous posts on Mock Objects if you have not already done
4 min read
Be The Developer Everyone Wants On Their Team

Be The Developer Everyone Wants On Their Team

I’ve been an avid rockclimber and mountaineer for over 15 years. I spend a lot of time helping out with the Colorado Mountain Club teaching classes. I was recently talking to one of the other instructors and he said something that stuck with me. He said there was a
3 min read
How To Use Mock Objects in Tests

How To Use Mock Objects in Tests

In the last couple posts, I talked about Mock Objects: what they are and how to implement them in LabVIEW. In this post, I am going to talk about how to use them in unit tests. For reference, the video below shows how to use the Class Refactoring Toolkit and
3 min read
Anatomy of a Mock Object

Anatomy of a Mock Object

In the last post, I talked about Mock Objects and what they are. In this post, I am going to talk a little bit about what they look like when you implement them in LabVIEW. The video below shows how to use the Class Refactoring Toolkit I created to create
3 min read

October 2019 Webinar

Test Driven Development October 23 11:00am MT I Tried Unit Testing But Testing My Existing Code Is Too Hard! That’s because you have got the order wrong! Writing unit tests after the fact is possible, but it is always hard. Why? Because whoever wrote it never thought about
2 min read

Creating Mocks in LabVIEW

In my last article, I introduced the concept of Mock Objects. The obvious next question is how do you implement them in LabVIEW? Many other languages either have builtin or readily available third party mock objects frameworks. LabVIEW does not. Until Now. I’ve create some tools for class refactoring
2 min read
Mock Objects

Mock Objects

At the upcoming CLA Summit, I will be giving a presentation on mock objects. I thought I would introduce them here first for those who aren’t familiar with them. If you read any literature on unit testing you are bound to run into them. A Different Kind of Test
2 min read
GDevCon2 Initial Thoughts

GDevCon2 Initial Thoughts

I finally got home and am starting to recover from GdevCon. Like many of these types of conferences, attending GDevCon is like drinking from a fire hose. Add to that attending the workshop that Steve, Fab, and Joerg put on, lots of late-night discussions at the bar and a little
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