A collection of 36 posts

It's all about the people
So many times we try to tackle problems by throwing more technology or more process at them. Everything would be fine if we just used this new tool or followed this process. Technology and process can definitely help things to run smoother, but only if we first address the underlying

GDevCon NA 2021 is on, in person!
GDevCon NA is now selling tickets! There are still some early bird tickets available. The date is October 20-21st in Boulder, CO. It’s going to be super exciting. We are also looking for more presenters and sponsors.
You can get more info and buy tickets here: https://gdevconna.org/

Why we sponsor GDevCon
We are proud to once again sponsor GDevCon again this year. GDevCon is an independent graphical developers conference held each year somewhere in Europe. This year it will be at CERN.
You might ask why is GDevCon important? We already have NIWeek, NIDays, the CLA Summit, and various CLD Summits

GDevCon #2 Videos
The GDevCon #2 Videos are now available. You can access the entire playlist here. We are proud to have sponsored an event that produces such great content!
All of the presentations were great and worth watching, but here are some of my favorites.
* Rebar – Ben Leedom introduced a new programming

GDevCon2 Initial Thoughts
I finally got home and am starting to recover from GdevCon. Like many of these types of conferences, attending GDevCon is like drinking from a fire hose. Add to that attending the workshop that Steve, Fab, and Joerg put on, lots of late-night discussions at the bar and a little

See us at NI Week 2019
I am happy to announce that my presentation on Continuous Integration got accepted for NI Week 2019. Continuous Integration is a very interesting topic. It’s been gaining in adoption over the last couple of years. At some point in the near future, everyone who is serious about Software Engineering

GDevCon2 Submissions due.
The first annual GDevCon last year was a raving success. See my review here.
Because it was such a success, there will be a GDevCon2 on August 21st and 22nd in Birmingham.
You have until Friday to submit your presentation ideas. Share your ideas and help make GDevCon2 a success!