A collection of 13 posts

Managing Dependencies with DQMH Messages
In one of his talks, Uncle Bob describes Software Engineering as the art of managing dependencies. This is something that a lot of new programmers have difficulty with. I often run into code written by beginners (and some not-so-beginnners) that has lots of circular dependencies. I also see a lot
What are you designing for?
My upcoming webinar got me thinking about a recent conversation that I had with Fabiola about design decisions. It also reminded me of a few of Steve’s recent blogposts on Design Priorities and on Project versus API Design.
My discussion with Fabiola revolved around the differences between the Actor

April 2019 Webinar
Choosing a Framework – April 24th 11am-12pm MST
So many choices
DQMH, AF, DCAF, SMO, ALOHA, TLB, and I’m probably still missing some. There are lots of LabVIEW Frameworks out there (and they all have cryptic acronymns). If you are confused by this alphabet soup of frameworks, then this presentation

The case for using a standard framework
Why should I use a standard framework instead of my homebrew QSM, producer-consumer, etc architecture?
I spent May 21-24 in Austin for NI Week (see my review here). If you have been following any of my recent posts and presentations, you will know that I have done a lot of
Build Your Framework On a Good Foundation
If you have been following any of my presentations at various NI events lately, you’ll know that one of my big focuses lately has been on the development process and frameworks. I just recently inherited a project from someone, let’s call him Developer Dan. Dan taught me a
Developer Series Presentation
Recently I was very lucky, in that National Instruments decided to use a presentation I put together for one of their Developer Series presentations. It’s a series of presentations on best practices for developing code in LabVIEW.
Here is the video and below is the chat log. This is