A collection of 14 posts

The LabVIEW Experiment is 9 months old!
Nine months ago I started the LabVIEW Experiment. So far it has been very well received. I am very happy with the way it has turned out. We've had a lot of great guests and covered some very important topics.
Nothing Good is Free
Unfortunately, nothing worthwhile is

It's all about the people
So many times we try to tackle problems by throwing more technology or more process at them. Everything would be fine if we just used this new tool or followed this process. Technology and process can definitely help things to run smoother, but only if we first address the underlying

GDevCon NA 2021 is on, in person!
GDevCon NA is now selling tickets! There are still some early bird tickets available. The date is October 20-21st in Boulder, CO. It’s going to be super exciting. We are also looking for more presenters and sponsors.
You can get more info and buy tickets here: https://gdevconna.org/