A collection of 36 posts

GDevCon is almost here
In case you haven’t GDevCon is taking place September 4th and 5th in Cambridge. What is GDevCon? It is the 1st ever independent graphical developers conference. Check out the website. There is a list of speakers there. I think you will be quite impressed. They’ve gathered a lot
Videos from NIWeek 2018
As many of you may know I had the privilege of speaking at NI Week this past May. Nancy Henson helped to organize a Software Engineering, Processes, Architecture, and Design (SEPAD) track. She enlisted Mark Balla, Jon McBee, and a few others to help video the sessions.
There were a
National Instruments is coming to Denver.
National Instruments is coming to Denver next week. They are hositng 2 events at the Renaissance Boulder Flatiron Hotel in BroomField CO. On Tuesday October 31st they are hosting the Denver CLD Summit and on Wednesday November 1st they are hosting NI Developer Days.
CLD Summit
The CLD summit is