The SAS Workshops Blog

Helping You Become a Better LabVIEW Developer

Bug Hunters Cafe

Bug Hunters Cafe

I recently sat down Jason C. MacDonald at the Bug Hunters Cafe. We had a really great conversation about bug hunting in LabVIEW.
1 min read
How To Make Mistakes in Python

How To Make Mistakes in Python

I stumbled upon this book recently. It was quite good. I highly recommend everyone (yes even LabVIEW Developers) read it. It is very insightful. It's also free and very short at 76 pages and it reads fast. There really is no excuse. I very much like the title.
1 min read
Waltzing With Bears

Waltzing With Bears

Risk management or crisis management, the choice is yours. This book will teach you proper risk management so you can avoid crisis management.
6 min read


Coding is much more about humans than technology. Understanding the human condition better makes you a better coder. This book is all about the human condition.
1 min read
Beyond NI Training

Beyond NI Training

We all know NI offers LabVIEW training. Many of us have been through their classes. A few of us have even taken all of NI's classes. If you are new to LabVIEW, Core 1 and Core 2 are a great place to start. If you are an intermediate
1 min read
It's harder to downclimb

It's harder to downclimb

Writing code is much easier than reading it. If you write code at your maximum level of cleverness, then by definition you are not smart enough to read and understand it. The trick is to make sure that you leave yourself some margin.
1 min read