2023 by the numbers
Here is a look at 2023 based on the numbers.

Just looking back over 2023, I thought I would throw out some numbers. Qualitative data is really good and sometimes it can help to look at actual numbers.
Here is some data about the blog. I use simple analytics to track stats for my blog. It's supposedly more privacy friendly than Google Analytics. If you look at the image above you'll see that last year we had 12K visitors (~1K/month) and 17K pageviews.
Here is what simple analytics gave as the most viewed posts in 2023:

Those are the most popular posts overall and many of those were written in previous years. I decided to download the data myself and do some magic in SQLite Browser (amazing tool - I highly recommend it). A few simple SQL queries lead to this table, showing the 10 view counts for posts that were made this year. There is some overlap with the previous list.

What can we conclude from this? These are not definitive statistic proofs and here are a few of my thoughts.
- Python is definitely a hot topic.
- LVCompare and LVMerge are painful to set up and people are definitely looking for help with that.
- There is a lot of interest in Git, G-CLI, GitLab, and CI/CD in general. I would put all of this in the DevOps bucket.
- Many readers agree with me that Taylor is amazing!
The PodCast
If you read this, you should know that I am the host of "The LabVIEW Experiment". Spotify was nice enough to put together some statistics for me. I'll share some of these here. From this data, I can only conclude that the podcast is going well. It's got a good audience. I do need to work on figuring out how to monetize it better and I have some ideas for that.

GDevCon NA.
We sold 97 tickets and had 14 sponsors for our 2023 event. That was a ~40% increase in ticket sales from the previous year. We also inspired an Australia/New Zealand spinoff, which I believe had 79 participants.
LVConsultant Summit
We had ~70 attendees and 4 sponsors for our 2023 event. That shows that there is definitely interest. We'll have to see where that goes from here into the future.