Software tools

A collection of 53 posts
Character Sets

Character Sets

So here is another article inspired by Joel on Software. In this article, titled The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!), Joel talks about the importance of understanding Unicode and character sets. It is a bit of a rant (Joel
3 min read
Rename AF Message

Rename AF Message

I inherited a project written using Actor Framework recently. I started to do a little refactoring to make it easier to add some of the changes I needed to make, following Kent Beck’s idea of “First make the change easy, then make the easy change.” What is in a
4 min read


I’ve been doing a bit of Linux work lately, and I’ve stumbled upon this thing called TLDR, so I thought I would share it here. Manpages If you do much Linux work, one of the first things you should have learned about was manpages. This is the Linux
2 min read


In a previous post, I mentioned lazygit in passing. It’s a nice CLI replacement for some of the Git GUI tools like SourceTree. It’s not too well known so I decided to do a little write-up on it. What LazyGit has over something like SourceTree is that is
5 min read