Book Reviews
These are book reviews. Books are on a variety of topics: technical, business, personal growth, and some are just plain fun.

The Phoenix Project
The Phoenix Project is a must-read book for anyone who works in technology. If you have ever worked in a larger company you will immediately identify with the situation described at the beginning of the book. You have an overworked IT department that seems disorganized and is always behind on

Bug Bounty BootCamp Book Review
Being a programmer, cybersecurity is an important topic. I’ve been interested in it for a while. I listen to Security Now and Darknet Diaries and have been to various hackathons. I even signed up for HackerOne. I felt like I’ve just been dabbling in it though. This book

The Object Oriented Thought Process
This book was recommended to me by 2 different people. Several years ago Nancy recommended this book to me when I was first learning OOP. I generally trust Nancy’s recommendations (she has made some very good recommendations in the past such as XUnit Test Patterns and Continuous Delivery) and

Working Effectively With Legacy Code
Several people have recommended this book to me over the years. I only recently got around to reading it. Software developers continue to recommend this 15-year-old book for good reason. It is quite useful because we all encounter legacy code and all of its techniques are still highly relevant.

Seven Transformational Training Assumptions
In the appendix of his book “Why Employees Are Always a Bad Idea”, Chuck Blakeman lays out his philosophy around training with 7 fundamental assumptions. Since we are all about training, coaching and mentoring here at SAS Workshops, I thought I would elaborate on his 7 assumptions and how I

Why Employees Are Always a Bad Idea
Dilbert has been poking fun at corporate America for quite some time now. It wouldn’t be so funny if it did not contain some truth. Corporate America is broken and we all know it. “Why Employees are always a bad idea” explains why Dilbert resonates so much and what

Foundations of Information Security
I’ve always had an interest in cybersecurity. By listening to Security Now and the Darknet Diaries podcasts, I’ve learned a lot. But I’ve never had any real formal security education. This book is a great introduction and overview of information security.
Foundations of Information Security reads like