Coding is much more about humans than technology. Understanding the human condition better makes you a better coder. This book is all about the human condition.

This book was recommended to me a while ago. I finally got around to reading it. It was quite good, although it is difficult reading. It talks about some uncomfortable subjects, that some people would rather not discuss. I'm generally of the opinion that hiding problems by pretending they don't exist and hoping they go away is not a great strategy. I feel like with what has been going on in our country lately, this book is needed more than ever.
You might ask, what does this book have to do with LabVIEW? On the surface, not much. However, as I have said many times: Code is written by, with, and for human beings. The better we understand humans and the human condition, the better we will be at designing and writing code. So I recommend this book for the same reason I recommend reading How to Be an Antiracist, The New Jim Crow, and Gun's, Germs, and Steel.