Samuel Taggart

Samuel Taggart

The official "Architect of Adventure". I help teams create healthy, human-centered software development processes.
The Phoenix Project

The Phoenix Project

The Phoenix Project is a must-read book for anyone who works in technology. If you have ever worked in a larger company you will immediately identify with the situation described at the beginning of the book. You have an overworked IT department that seems disorganized and is always behind on
3 min read
GDevCon N.A. conference attendees standing in front of several trees showing fall colors - orange and yellow.

It's all about the people

So many times we try to tackle problems by throwing more technology or more process at them. Everything would be fine if we just used this new tool or followed this process. Technology and process can definitely help things to run smoother, but only if we first address the underlying
2 min read
The Arc of a Developer

The Arc of a Developer

In my recent interview for Legacy Code Rocks, I talked about the arc of a developer. I feel like there is this trajectory that people that go on over their careers. It's the learning and growth path that developers tend to follow.
4 min read
New Website

New Website

We've moved our website from WordPress to Kajabi! In the move process, some things may have broken or disappeared. If you find any broken links, please let us know.
1 min read
Technical Debt In Practice

Technical Debt In Practice

I met Julien Delange a few months ago. He runs a company called It is a support tool to help developers write better code. It is a web-based tool that acts kind of like VI analyzer and will analyze your code and flag problems and make suggestions. It
3 min read
Bug Bounty BootCamp Book Review

Bug Bounty BootCamp Book Review

Being a programmer, cybersecurity is an important topic. I’ve been interested in it for a while. I listen to Security Now and Darknet Diaries and have been to various hackathons. I even signed up for HackerOne. I felt like I’ve just been dabbling in it though. This book
3 min read
Character Sets

Character Sets

So here is another article inspired by Joel on Software. In this article, titled The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!), Joel talks about the importance of understanding Unicode and character sets. It is a bit of a rant (Joel
3 min read
Simplicity of Design

Simplicity of Design

I recently read XP Explained. It had a section on page 109 where it talked about simplicity. I often talk about the importance of simplicity. In fact, it’s on my list of fundamental assumptions about coding. In XP Explained, Kent Beck lists 4 criteria to evaluate how simple a
6 min read


Given all the stuff going on in Ukraine right now, this is a highly relevant book. The author tracks down a group of Russian Hackers called Sandworm (a reference to Dune). They are part of the GRU. They were responsible for a variety of attacks, mostly centered around Ukraine and
1 min read
XP Explained

XP Explained

This book is considered a classic for a reason. It’s inspired a lot of coders over the years. I think the first time I had heard about it was from Stephen Loftus Mercer talking about pair programming. I’ve heard a lot about XP over the years since then
2 min read
Rename AF Message

Rename AF Message

I inherited a project written using Actor Framework recently. I started to do a little refactoring to make it easier to add some of the changes I needed to make, following Kent Beck’s idea of “First make the change easy, then make the easy change.” What is in a
4 min read