Build License Track
Matthias from Studio Bods, recently presented at our Mastermind Group on his tool that allows you to Build, License, and Track (BLT) your LabVIEW programs.

As you may be aware we offer a Mastermind program at SAS Workshops. It's a small group gets together twice a month where we discuss various topics of interest. As part of the meeting, we talk about strategic improvements we are making in our individual development processes. We also do some brainstorming to help each other when we get stuck. Occasionally we bring in outside speakers.
During one meeting we had a discussion about various methods of deploying applications. After that discussion, we invited Matthias to come present about his BLT tool, which allows you to Build, License, and Track (BLT) your LabVIEW programs. I could write more, but I'll let Matthias tell you all about it. Below is the recording of our meeting.
You can find out more about BLT and check out the free version here:
You can learn more about our mastermind group and apply to join here: