VI Week

I just wanted to make sure you were all aware of #VIWeek. As many of you are probably aware NI had originally postponed NI Week and eventually canceled it this year due to COVID19 and all the issues regarding social distancing. While it was certainly the right call, it has left a big hole.
Steve Watts had been doing a few webinars lately and decided that he and his DSH Workshops colleagues should expand that and have a few during what would have been NI Week. He also invited some others to participate. So he came up with the idea of #VIWeek (I believe Chris Stryker deserves kudos for coming up with the name, and Quentin for coming up with the logo). Steve announced it on his Random Ramblings on LabVIEW Blog (which I highly recommend following) and it has taken off.
Be sure to check out the 2 presentations I will be giving: one on Philisophy and Coding (Monday 17th 10am MT) and one on my Mock Object Framework (Friday 22nd 1PM MT). I created a nice landing page to register for either of our 2 sessions.