DQMH Podcast

It’s offical! The DQMH podcast form Chris Farmer at Wired-in Software has been officially released! It’s exciting to have some new listening material about LabVIEW!
It’s been a while since we have had a good LabVIEW Podcast. We used to have VIshots which hasn’t produced anything lately. The old VI Shots episodes are still worth going back and listening to. Some of topics are slightly dated but it ages well. There are still a lot of useful nuggets in there. We’ve gotten a few sporadic releases from Quick Drop Podcast in the last year or two as well, although that currently appears to be in a holding pattern. Hopefully we’ll here more from Jonathan soon.
So what’s the DQMH podcast about? Well the first season at least focuses on what else but DQMH. Only 3 episodes have been released so far. The first episode is just Chris introducing himself and the podcast. The next two episodes consist of an interview with Fabiola about DQMH. I have some inside knowledge about some upcoming episodes. I know that Chris interviewed the DQMH Trusted Advisors as a group, and then interviewed each one separately as well. That should be good for a few more episodes. I am not sure what Chris plans after that.
If you are a LabVIEW programmer but not using DQMH, it is still worth listening. I know from the interview that I did with Chris that we covered a lot of topics besides just DQMH. It is sure to be informative and entertaining.