August 2019 Webinar

Basic Continuous Integration with GitLab and LabVIEW – 8/28 at 11am MT
How do I make sure my unit tests get run regularly?
Maybe you have unit tests, vi analyzer tests, and a build process in place but how often do you actually run them? What if one action that we already do every day (ie committing changes to our source code control repository) could trigger those processes to run automatically in the background? No more having to remember to run them. No more having to twiddle your thumbs waiting for them to finish. Continuous Integration (CI) I can help us with all this.
CI offers benefits beyond just simply automating the boring stuff. You get all the benefits of automation. A repeatable process with no human error, etc. All the things we sell our customers on when we sell an automated test system. But you also get something else. CI helps you close the loop between when you introduce a bug and when you catch it. A robust CI process can minimize the cost of finding and fixing bugs. That is the real power of CI.
In this presentation, we’ll discuss how GitLab CI works. Then we will walk through a very simple demo using a simple VI analyzer test to demonstrate how it works with LabVIEW. It will provide the building blocks for you to create your own CI Process.
This Webinar is for
- Developers who forget to run tests, who get tired of sitting around waiting for them to finish.
- Architects who want to make sure that unit tests, vi analyzer tests, and builds are run regularly, and who want to make sure that feature branches work before merging.
- Project Managers who are looking for a way to ensure consistent quality.
What you will learn
- How the GitLab CI System works
- How to install GitLab Runner and create a connection to the server
- How to create a .yaml file to specify CI actions
- How to use artifacts to store build outputs
- How to use LabVIEWCLI to interact with LabVIEW from the CommandLine
- How to automatically run a basic VI Analyzer Test for new commits
There are limited seats so please RSVP and reserve your seat today!