Videos from NIWeek 2018
As many of you may know I had the privilege of speaking at NI Week this past May. Nancy Henson helped to organize a Software Engineering, Processes, Architecture, and Design (SEPAD) track. She enlisted Mark Balla, Jon McBee, and a few others to help video the sessions.
There were a couple of main topics. My presentation fell into the software test track. Check out the rest of the SEPAD presentations here.
Here is a link to my presentation.
The reason I didn’t post this sooner is that part of it got cut off. I kept hoping that maybe it was some technical glitch and they would be able to figure it out. However, it appears the second half of my presentation is just gone. The good news is that the first half was the important part. The second was just me going over AF Tester and AF Unit Test Helper.
Here is unit testing roundtable I took part in. The first part is Peter Bokor talking about a unit testing tool that he wrote. The roundtable starts at 32:30