New Website
We've moved our website from WordPress to Kajabi! In the move process, some things may have broken or disappeared. If you find any broken links, please let us know.

You may have noticed that we've updated our website. The old site was getting kind of dated. I hired a marketing guy a few years and it's been on our list of things to do ever since, but we finally got around to it.
We've moved from WordPress to Kajabi. It hasn't been painless. It was a lot of work to migrate all the content, but it does look quite nice. I'm still learning the backend. I'm not convinced that it is better than Wordpress, but apparently it has a lot of nice marketing features on the backend and it does pretend to be an all-in-one solution. We shall see.
Online Courses
One of the benefits of Kajabi is that we can host our online course here instead of paying for separate hosting through Thinkific. If you registered for one of those courses, you will be getting an e-mail soon about migrating over. In the meantime, we'll leave the Thinkific site up until everyone gets moved over, so you should still have access to everything. Please bear with us as we sort all this out. If its urgent, feel free to reach out.
We need your help
In the move process, some things may have broken or disappeared. If you find any broken links, please let us know. Note: Due to the limitations of Kajabi links to old blog posts will redirect you to a page that looks like the one below. I'm trying to figure out a better way, but that's is the best I've got for the moment. The link should take you to the correct post. If that doesn't work, please let us know.