Making Work Fun
For many people work is a four-letter word. It’s something they do because they have to. Maybe they once enjoyed it, but now they are feeling burnt out. It doesn’t have to be that way. In his book the Fun Formula Joel Comm lays out an alternative to the hustlel and grind lifestyle. He has create a formula for making work fun and enjoyable.
I heard Joel Comm promote his book at Social Media Day Denver in 2019. I picked up a copy but didn’t get around to reading it until recently. While I certainly enjoy large parts of what I do, this year has kind of left me a little depressed and burnt out. I was certainly was not viewing work as fun. I thought now would be the perfect to read this book.
The gist of the book is that we need to reconnect with who we are and what brings us joy. We spend a lot of time doing what we think we are supposed to do and what other people expect from us, and we lose focus on what we really want. We need to be curious. We need to figure out what OUR dreams are. Then we need to be willing to take risks in order to pursue those dreams. We also need to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves along the way.
There is way more to the book than that. You should certainly take the time to read it. You won’t regret it. It left me feeling way more energized and excited about my work.