GDevCon #2 Videos

The GDevCon #2 Videos are now available. You can access the entire playlist here. We are proud to have sponsored an event that produces such great content!

All of the presentations were great and worth watching, but here are some of my favorites.
- Rebar – Ben Leedom introduced a new programming language which uses the NXG editor, but is based on Rust. I recommend watching it because it will deepen your understanding of LabVIEW. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes with the compiler that we take for granted.
- DAQ– Gary Boorman gave one of the best presentations I have ever seen at a conference. There was no LabVIEW involved. Gary talked about all the different things you need to think about when hooking up various sensors to your system. Interacting with hardware is after all what makes us different from all those front end/back end/website/database developers out there.
- Plugin Tools – Thomas McQuillan talked about a bunch of productivity tools for LabVIEW and how to be more efficient. He gave various examples and explained how to create your own.
- TDD – I talked about how writing the tests first will dramatically increase the quality of the code you produce. I walked through an example of a project where I used TDD. It generate some great discussion and interaction with the audience.
- Databases – Sam Sharp introduced a very useful tool he created for interacting with databases. It basically creates a class heirarchy based on the database schema and abstracts away all the SQL. It’s inspired by similar tools in other languages like PHP.
- CI roundtable – Chris Woodhams gave an introduction on Continuous Integration. Then myself, James McNally, Joerg, Chris Reabuck each shared some of our thoughts and answer some questions from the audience. The roundtable starts about 27 minutes in.
- Onboarding roundtable – Ben Carruthers led a roundtable discussion on onboarding new hires. Panel members Fab, Odd, Stephanie Colvin, Dani Jobe, and Kabul Maharjan all shared their thoughts. Lot’s of good discussion around team dynamics.