David Neal on Leadership
Leadership is more than just a title. Anyone can be a leader - even you. Come to David's Workshop at GDevCon NA to learn more.

Two years ago I attended an online conference. Like a lot of conferences they had a series of workshops. I was looking through the abstracts and saw "Leadership for the Reluctant Leader." The title caught my eye, so I thought I'd check it out. It was very much worth it. I learned a lot about some really important topics that really hadn't hit my radar before and I also had a great time doing it. It really did have a huge impact on how I view leadership in general and more specifically how I do presentations and run meetings. Lots of good advice that I could apply immediately. It was also very entertaining.
I wanted to bring a similar experience to GDevCon NA. I brought it up to the board and Jeremy mentioned that some of the more popular presentations at NI Week and CLA Summit have been about non-technical topics such as Everything a Software Engineer Needs to Know Outside Software Engineering. If you liked that presentation you are going to love David's Workshop at GDevCon NA, so make sure you mark Monday July 22 on your calendar. Just make sure to select the workshop when you purchase your GDevCon NA tickets - you won't regret it. And in case you can't tell from the title, it is about leadership for everyone not just managers or CEOs, so if your title is simply developer, tester, test engineer or something similar there will be plenty of good information in there for you - in fact you are the target audience!

On a side note, you may have noticed all the GDevCon NA presenters received an avatar. Those were all created by David. If you like them you can get your own here.