Beyond NI Training

We all know NI offers LabVIEW training. Many of us have been through their classes. A few of us have even taken all of NI's classes. If you are new to LabVIEW, Core 1 and Core 2 are a great place to start. If you are an intermediate or advanced developer, the Object Oriented Programming and Actor Framework courses are good introductions to those topics. Official NI training certainly has a place, yet it doesn't cover everything you need to know, and at some point, you run out of classes to take and you are left feeling that there must be more.
There is a gap in the NI training. The NI training is very good at teaching you how to do specific things in LabVIEW. It is very good at that. What it is not so good at is teaching you why to do things a certain way. In addition, its reach stops at NI's borders. It doesn't teach you how to think like a software engineer or how to use the myriad of software engineering tools out there. Those skills and tools are essential to being effective with LabVIEW.
There are a bunch of software engineering tools and techniques that you will never learn in official NI training. There are several tools and techniques that I use every day, that are not covered in NI training or at best are barely mentioned in passing. I put together a webinar to talk about this topic. We'll talk about what NI training is good at and go into detail about what is missing and where you can get that information and build those skills.
So if you have already taken all the classes, you just feel like you want more than what NI offers, or you just want to learn what techniques and tools the pros use daily, come to our free webinar.