2021 Podcast list

If you read this blog you are probably aware that I listen to a fair amount of podcasts. I thought I would just compile a list of my favorites in case anyone was looking to add to their list for 2021.
LabVIEW Related Podcasts
DQMH Podcast
Chris Farmer put this podcast together this year. For now it features interviews with Fab and the various DQMH advisors. There is a lot of discussion about DQMH, obviously, bit it also touches on a lot of other related software engineering topics.
Quick Drop
This was a great podcast from Jonathan Hobson that quickly disappeared (pun intended – sorry Jonathan). The few episodes that were made are really great. Jonathan had a kid and so his free time has been kind of limited. Hopefully he will pick back up the microphone soon.
VI Shots
This podcast hasn’t produced any new episodes in quite a while, but the ones that are there are still quite relevant. I highly recommend going back and listening to them. Michear Aviolotis did a really good job with this podcast.
Software Engineering Related Podcasts
This podcast is run by Robby Russell. He interviews various guests and asks them questions about what makes for maintainable software. It is quite good.
Legacy Code Rocks
This is hosted by Scott Ford and Andrea Goullet. It is similar content to the Maintainable Podcast. It talks a lot about makers versus menders and software remodelling. Be sure to check out the community they have built which includes a slack channel.
Software Engineering Radio
This podcast is put on by the IEEE Computer Society. They interview a lot of really smart people on a variety of software engineering topics. It is often very technical if sometimes a little too academic. There lot’s of good content here.
Security Podcasts
Security Now
Steve Gibson’s Security Now is a great way to stay up to date on the latest cybersecurity trends and news. He covers all the major news stories and then picks a specific topic each week to go in depth on. If you just looking for some general awareness and to pick up some basic tips to keep yourself safe, this is a good place to start.
Darknet Diaries
Darknet diaries is mostly entertainment but it does have a good dose of education built in. The host, Jack, interviews various hackers both white and black hat, from criminals to script kiddies to gamers to pen testers to spooks. His also does some in depth investigations into major hacks. It really captures the general hacker ethos. It’s kind of eye-opening. A lot of it sounds like science fiction, but its not.
Other Podcasts Worth Listening to
If you have read the book, the podcast is more of the same. If you haven’t read it, what are you waiting for? I really like this podcast because it really looks at the incentives and driving forces behind human behavior. It really helps in understanding business and just life in general. Highly recommended.
Dave Ramsey, the highly opinionated financial self-help guru also has a podcast called Entreleadership. He doesn’t personally host the podcast, but he is a frequent guest and the content of the show revolves around his teachings. They interview a lot of major authors and speakers in the leadership and business space. Lot’s of good content.
Sales Gravy
Steve Watts put me onto this podcast by Jeb Blount. It’s got lot’s of great sales tips. So if you run your own business or if you are in sales (in some way aren’t we all?) it is worth checking out.
This Week in Tech
This week in tech is just a good way to stay up to date with the latest technology news. It’s very entertaining. They have a panel of guests and they all crack jokes and talk about the latest announcements from Apple, Google, etc.
Should This Exist
This is a very interesting podcast that looks at new technology and evaluates it’s benefits versus how it could be abused. Lot’s of good food for thought here.